Reading Experience Database

Listing for Author: Theodule Ribot


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Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1850-1899Gone on with Comparetti Vergilio nel Medio Evo. Bourget’s Physiologie de l’Amour. [next unclear] Dumas Nouveaux En...Vernon Lee Theodule RibotLes Maladies de la VolontePrint: Book
1850-1899'Gissing read as widely as ever, with the same unbridled curiosity as during his youth but now with an intelligence te...George Gissing Theodule-Armand RibotHérédité: étude psychologique Print: Book


Reading Experience Database version 2.0.  Page updated: 27th Apr 2016  3:15pm (GMT)