Reading Experience Database

Listing for Author: Basil Hall


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Century of ExperienceEvidenceName of Reader / Listener / Reading GroupAuthor of TextTitle of TextForm of Text
1800-1849'I am reading Hall's book, but will read it through before I say a word about it, for I find my opinion changes so muc...Sydney Smith Basil HallTravels in North America 1827-8Print: Book
1800-1849'Have you read Hall's America? If you have, I hope you dislike it as much as I do. It is amusing but very unjust and u...Sydney Smith Basil HallTravels in North America 1827-8Print: Book
1800-1849'I did not write one syllable of Hall's book. When first he showed me his manuscript, I told him it would not do; it w...Sydney Smith Basil HallExtracts from a Journal Written on the Coasts of Chile, Peru, and MexicoPrint: Book
1800-1849'Read voyage to Corea'Mary Shelley Basil HallAccount of a Voyage of Discovery to the West Coast of Corea and the Great Loo-Choo Island; with an appendix... and a vocabulary of the Loo Choo language by H.I. CliffordPrint: Book
1800-1849Harriet Countess Granville to her sister, Lady Georgiana Morpeth, from The Hague (June 1824): 'What a pretty book C...Harriet Countess Granville Basil HallJournal in South AmericaPrint: Book
1800-1849Harriet Countess Granville to her sister, Lady Georgiana Morpeth, from The Hague (June 1824): 'What a pretty book C...Harriet Countess Granville Basil HallJournal in South AmericaPrint: Book
1800-1849Wednesday, 13 April 1831: 'My nap [same afternoon] was a very short one and was agreeably replaced by Basil Hall's ...Walter Scott Captain Basil HallFragments of Voyages and TravelsPrint: Book


Reading Experience Database version 2.0.  Page updated: 27th Apr 2016  3:15pm (GMT)